After entering the general package information it is time to enter the package version information


Each package can exist on the repository in multiple revisions



The Id field is automatically populated with a unique identifier


The version fields consist of  Major, Minor, Build and Revision information


in addition a version can be flagged as a beta, alpha or release candidate


As for the package itself a package version can be marked as published


DataFlex Versions:


A package version can be marked for specific revisions of DataFlex


You can either list specific revisions or define a range


This is only required if a package will only work with specific versions of DataFlex


The DataFlex package manager will adapt library workspaces to the required DataFlex revisions during installation


The new button next to the Package Version Id can be used to create a new unique identifier.

This can be used for example to create a new package version by editing an existing one. Uploading an edited version would attempt to update and if the version had been published this would fail. The new button allows us to create a new version by essentially copying an existing one.